SQL Server: Latest Database Innovations

sql server

SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. It is known for being resistant and versatile. It can be used in different types of work. From small business projects to large corporate operations. As technology advances, the system is always improving. New functions are added to make performance more efficient. Security […]

Future tech: innovation in vehicle dealerships

agendamento de test drive

Innovation in vehicle dealerships is changing the way we buy and interact with the automotive industry. In this text, we talk about how technology is changing the automotive sector, bringing new opportunities and challenges, especially in car sales. Artificial Intelligence and the Personalized Shopping Experience AI is essential for innovation in car dealerships, enabling advanced […]

Data Revolution: Power BI, AI and Analytics redefining business success

revolução dos dados

The implementation of Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools has become a cornerstone in the digital transformation of companies. After all, integrating solutions such as Power BI, SQL Server and other Database technologies not only improves operational efficiency, but also provides crucial strategic insights for decision making. Therefore, let’s explore some of the main advantages […]

Digital Transformation in companies: paths to success

caminhos para a transformação digital

Research reveals: investing in digital transformation drives business growth Digital Transformation is a business revolution that shapes the way organizations operate, make decisions and interact with their customers. For companies of all sizes, this process is essential to remain competitive in an increasingly digitalized market. In this guide, we will explore all aspects of Digital […]

Environmental Technology: Innovation can save the planet

tecnologia ambiental

Environmental technology has been increasingly relevant in the search for solutions to protect the planet and preserve the environment. The world’s population is increasing. In fact, industrial development has also increased. This has resulted in the exploitation of natural resources at alarming levels. This exploitation puts the sustainability of our planet at risk. Therefore, technology […]

IT sector contributes to the increase of Brazil’s GDP

Setor de TI contribui para o aumento do pib do brasil - t4i

In recent decades, with the development of the information technology area, profound changes have occurred in the world economy. Information and communication technologies have been the main driving force behind dynamic changes in global wealth generation patterns. While the pattern of wealth accumulation is determined by tangible resources, immaterial goods, which today are still invisible, […]

11 productivity lessons from startups for large companies

Larger companies have a lot to learn from lean companies, especially when it comes to innovation, culture and customer focus. One of the biggest demands of digital transformation is the need to change quickly and adapt to an increasingly volatile market. And this is precisely one of the biggest difficulties of the largest companies in […]