Compliance with LGPD is a differential and is already becoming a market requirement

If your company has not yet adapted to the Law, start as soon as possible

We combine data, legal and business consulting


All companies are responsible for the protection and treatment of the data of their employees, customers, suppliers, regardless of their size or segment of activity. The LGPD brings obligations regarding respect for legal principles, data processing, security and privacy, storage and rights of data subjects (for example: the consent of the data subject to share and that these personal data can be corrected or deleted) .

The basis of the New Law is a very positive opportunity for companies to evaluate how they organize, process and manage their Data, a flow that is characteristic of Data Governance, which starts to acquire a leading and relevant role in organizations, which historically saw the issue with little importance. Adaptation to the new legal aspects is not simple and takes some time.

Therefore, our consultancy proposes the analysis of impacts and the necessary adaptations related to the implementation of data governance, legal processes and management processes.


We have qualified, certified and trained specialists to serve companies of different sizes and operating segments. We custom assess your scenario and employ industry-leading services and solutions to meet your data security needs.

5 Things You Might Not Know About GDPR

1- The LGPD does not only apply to data processing in digital media – it also applies to paperwork!;

2- The Law does not apply to data processed for the exclusive purposes of public security, national defense, state security or criminal investigation and prosecution;

3- The Law also does not apply to data processed for exclusively journalistic and artistic purposes;

4- Still data is also processed data! – the mere storage of personal data constitutes treatment – even if you do not use or share them;

5- Anonymized data is not considered personal data.