
Collecting, organizing, analyzing, sharing, monitoring information and training for your business

Understand this concept better and how to apply it in your company

Want to get good results in less time, using fewer resources?

Data Extraction/Integration

This service is essential for any company that uses a Data Warehouse, that is, an integrated environment to centralize business data in a consolidated way. This encompasses both simple systems, such as a small SQL database, and more complex systems, such as a cloud loaded with Big Data.

In practice, extracting, transforming and loading data (also called ETL) is considered a critical phase of the strategy for using this material. The reason is quite simple: it is the factor that defines the quality with which raw data is transformed into readable, relevant and reliable information.

Therefore, we can say that its main objective is to ensure that there is a strategy for the systematic use of data. This involves a process mapping, for example, which is nothing more than establishing rules so that data handling occurs in a standardized way.


Data analysis is a job of understanding a high level of unstructured data that needs to be compiled and broken down. In this activity, our professionals are able to capture results on inventory, sales, marketing, customer relationships, balance sheet, in addition to other possibilities.

When compiled, this vast amount of information can be analyzed in a technical way, with the help of technology.

Data analysis is what guarantees that, from raw material, it is possible to understand the company from different perspectives, always with technical work and supported by cutting-edge technology.

InCompany BI Trainings

One of the biggest problems faced by companies is to efficiently manage all the excess data stored on a variety of matters of interest to the organization. It is known that using information strategically benefits the business and brings competitive advantage.

To improve this information management we offer InCompany Business Intelligence (BI) Training. BI, also called Business Intelligence, is a decision-making and business management support system capable of collecting, organizing, analyzing, sharing and tracking various relevant data and performance indicators – or KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) – to your business. It can serve to support decision-making, monitor competition, feed marketing research and any other strategic demand of the company that needs greater technical support and information.

Artificial intelligence

Our AI services provide out-of-the-box intelligence in applications and workflows. Artificial intelligence services integrate with your applications to address common use cases such as personalized recommendations, modernizing your contact center, improving security and protection, and increasing customer engagement.

Estimates by the consultancy Gartner indicate that the number of organizations that implemented Artificial Intelligence within their operations grew from 4% in 2018 to 14% in 2019. The trend is that the adoption of emerging technology will continue to grow in the coming years.

AI has cognitive abilities that enable learning through observation of choices and correlation of events. Thus, technology can identify the logic behind decisions.

Therefore, it is possible to develop it in several use cases: chatbots, route applications (Waze, Google Maps, for example), monitoring of online activities for audience segmentation and even the analysis of fraud attempts.

Business Intelligence is a concept and not a software

There are several tools involved in the process, but BI is a concept and goes beyond the use of software! The proposal is to use an entire technological apparatus to transform a large number of available information into intelligence. With this, you can get to know your competition, partners and suppliers better.


O Grupo Parvi tinha problemas para gerar informações gerenciais, pois fazia isso de forma manual e possuía algumas poucas visões em outra plataforma de BI. Como eles trabalham com vários sistemas e vendem diversas marcas de veículos, o trabalho de geração de dashboards desta forma não satisfazia as necessidades do negócio.

Eles conheceram o serviço da T4i Solutions por indicação de outros clientes da mesma área de atuação (concessionária) e confiaram nos resultados que nossa empresa traria por visualizarem os resultados positivos alcançados por nossos demais clientes do mercado.

O volume de regras de negócio envolvido foi certamente um grande desafio. Para superarmos isso, utilizamos o conhecimento que a empresa tem na estrutura de bancos de dados de alguns sistemas que já são conhecidos nossos, utilizamos os painéis que já haviam sido construídos em um trabalho anterior utilizando outra plataforma de BI e realizamos o trabalho com muita interação com área de negócios, utilizando métodos ágeis. Além disso, a T4i treinou recursos internos do cliente para que o projeto tivesse um melhor andamento.

Foram implantados alguns módulos de BI que melhoram a visibilidade do negócio e que, até hoje, ajudam diariamente na tomada de decisão. As decisões são tomadas com mais velocidade, pois agora o tempo é utilizado para analisar estrategicamente os dados e não para gerar a informação.