Understand the difference between custom and off-the-shelf software

software pronto e customizado

Discover the system model that works best to optimize your team’s time and your company’s processes

With the market increasingly competitive and 2022 promising to be a year of technological innovation and the recovery of the global economy, companies from all sectors are looking for digital solutions to improve their performance and stay healthy. New technological solutions are constantly emerging to change the way we do a certain task. It is a digital and cultural transformation, as it incites a new mindset, especially among entrepreneurs.

Those who don’t understand the importance of software in their business – whatever their area of ​​expertise – tend to fall behind. What some managers wonder is whether it would be better to opt for a bespoke system or make use of one of the many ready-made options available on the market.

Before taking this doubt, we need to understand some concepts:

What is software?

Software is a virtual product, which essentially consists of a set of codes – instructions written in a certain computer language. When the user is going to use a software, however, he does not see codes. This is because these instructions will be translated by the electronic equipment screen and presented differently or even materialized in images, colors, texts, buttons, links and actions in some types of devices.

Computer programs and applications for mobile devices are examples of software that are there to make our lives easier.

Differences between bespoke and off-the-shelf systems

The basic difference between ready-made and custom-made software is that the first is usually hired by paying its license or subscription and is developed with general functionalities ready to serve any person or company that wants to hire the available resources. Generally, a ready-made system has a support team to answer questions about its operation, but due to its large-scale use, it is hardly possible to request customizations to your requirements.

In the case of bespoke systems, they are customized based on the specific needs and demands of your company. Its main benefit is the possibility to customize it as your processes also change. That is, it serves your business and may not be ideal for other organizations. In this case, the company interested in a bespoke software will hire its development and future maintenance.

The advantages of ready-made systems

Immediate use is one of the most significant advantages of opting for a ready-made system. The customer does not need to wait months for the software development, between the definition, planning, execution and testing steps.

You hire it and you can start using it, unless some more complex installation is required. Today, many systems, regardless of category, follow the software as a service, or Software as a Service (SaaS) model, and are available on the web for direct access via a browser.

The benefits of a bespoke system

In these cases, customization is, without a doubt, the greatest ally of those who hire a tailored software, with solutions geared exclusively to the needs of the business. The team of developers works together with the company, so that all terms, elements and usability are thought out so that employees feel comfortable using that application during their work routine.

Another interesting point is that the companies that build these systems usually offer a warranty period, in which they provide all the necessary support for bug fixes or operational adjustments after implementation.

How to choose the best model for my company?

More than focusing on implementation, the company should focus on knowing itself very well, trying to find out what its true needs are and understanding as much as possible how the offered technology will interact, in practice, with the company’s existing processes. In this context, it is interesting to be fully aware that the perfect solution for one company may not be the best solution for another.

If you need a program for objectives common to most companies, such as financial control or something focused on sales, a ready-made model may suit your organization well. If you need a more complex solution that solves specific difficulties, streamlines your operations and helps you manage your processes, without a doubt, a customized option is the best.

So, understand if software is crucial in your business and the pain that its lack causes. Understand what stage your company is in and then validate if off-the-shelf software can meet your needs or if you really need a 100% customized solution.

Finally, pre-testing the tool can make the task of choosing a software much simpler. And this usually proves to be so valid that there are many systems developing companies that offer an evaluation period for tasting the product, a time when your company should take the opportunity to resolve doubts and identify if all your demands are really met by the tool.

How much does a bespoke system cost?

This is one of the biggest doubts of managers. And unfortunately there are no objective answers for them, because, as it is a bespoke project, it depends on which resources will be requested. Customized software has a much more expressive investment value than market-ready solutions, contracted through a monthly fee.

Considering a CRM software, for example. On the one hand, we have systems ranging from R$30.00 to R$120.00 per user per month, with immediate use, and on the other hand, there is a highly customized solution for specific processes, in which the development can vary from 150 to 500 thousand reais, depending on the complexity.

When we talk about hiring a company to make custom software, in short, we have two choices: pay for a closed-scope project or open-scope. In the closed scope you will receive a total investment proposal for the company/professional solution. While in the open scope, the company/professional will give you the hour/week/month cost and you will pay for the consumption of these hours, without having a specific time for completion.

Whether a bespoke or ready-made system, hire a reliable software development company!

Regardless of the type of tool chosen, it is very important that you look for a reliable systems development company that presents you with real cases from their team. This will bring much more chance of the chosen software (whether ready-made or tailored) to generate good results for your business.

T4i is a technology company focused on developing digital solutions for the most diverse areas. In addition to creating custom software, taking into account the needs and particularities of each company, it also has ready-made solutions for the health, natural gas, financial/accounting and automotive segments. With these services, companies from all over Brazil are already making strategic decisions based on relevant indicators, ensuring a secure database, gaining visibility and creating value for their brands through mobile applications.


T4i Solutions
Site: www.t4isolutions.com
Phone: (81) 3267-3199
Address: Rua São Vicente, 150 Tamarineira, Recife/PE

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